Hey! Ethan writing. This morning, we started off getting a Tawny-chested Flycatcher, which is a really cool looking bird! After an amazing breakfast, we headed to a local spot to see Sunbittern. We arrived and almost instantly we had an Amazon Kingfisher. Soon afterwards, we had good views of Torrent Tyrannulets and a Buff-rumped Warbler. As we headed on, a Sunbittern was spotted, but dense foliage made those of us who are shorter (me) unable to see the bird. Only Rob Ripma, Tyler, and Harry saw the bird. As we moved along, we spotted many field birds, such as Yellow-faced Grassquit, Blue-and-Black Grosbeaks, and an Olive-crowned Yellowthroat. We never again saw a Sunbittern, but I ended the trip with an additional 15 life birds. On the way home, we had great looks at Crimson-collared Tanagers and a Bronzed Cowbird. During lunch, I spotted a nearby armadillo. Carlos asked, "Can I catch it?". Thinking he was joking, we all said sure. Well:
Amazon Kingfisher |
Tarantula Carlos caught (not one I liked) |
Tyler's Sunbittern shot |